Tips to Effectively Carry Out Employee Performance Evaluation at your Organization

When shopping for an appliance or any other instrument, you test its performance, look for feedback or reviews, and ask for its longevity. You ask questions, try to get hands-on experience with the product, and ensure it functions well.
And the reason for it is pretty simple. Performance drives productivity. You want good value from your purchase, so you evaluate its performance before your purchase.
At the workplace, there is the same demand to evaluate the performance of each employee. Employees are screened on their productivity, approach, and general ethics when it comes to working.
This article seeks to delve into the topic of employee performance evaluation. We will define it, mention some key benefits, and explain the components under performance review. Mainly, we will look at tips to help you conduct a proper employee performance evaluation and, finally, at an alternative for such an approach.
Let’s slide through without further ado.
Defining Performance Evaluation
Employee performance evaluation is also called performance appraisal or performance review.
It is an extensive process whereby the organization gives employees feedback on their job performance and documents that performance for measuring progress in the future.
Simply put, employee performance evaluation judges the performance of a professional based on the expectations of their positions and the skills required to perform the job. You'll need to showcase continuous improvement of your professional skills during the appraisal process.
Let us look at some benefits of such an employee evaluation.
What are the Benefits of Employee Performance Evaluations?
- For Employers
The performance appraisal period creates an environment conducive to positive feedback and suggestions. It can further give you insights into your past hiring and lead you toward better recruitment. Also, through consistent documentation, you get protection from litigation in the event of a former employee pursuing legal action against your company.
- For Employees
Performance management by your organization means that they offer real growth and development opportunities. It is a time dedicated to one-on-one feedback and analysis, which leads to improved communication between senior leaders and employees. Furthermore, a successful performance appraisal means a salary raise or bonus is incoming.
Read our blog on how to accelerate your career growth in the organization.
What are the Components of an Employee Performance Review?
Now that we have covered the overview of employee performance and its benefits, you should be familiar with the content within each performance evaluation. Recruiters give remarks based on the performance of specific skills of the employee.
Take a look at the below.
- Quality - It is the foremost component for obvious reasons. As employees, you are in the company to deliver a good quality of work. Your end product must meet the standards of the organization and should require minimal alterations for the next person.
- Accuracy - Accuracy goes along with your work quality. It means that your work has to reflect the expectations placed on you. Your work has to be according to your client’s demands.
- Communication - Under your working construct, you must deal with your colleagues and other professionals to steer your work forward. For that, an employee must possess excellent communication skills.
- Punctuality - It is pivotal for professionals to turn in their work on time. It is unacceptable to turn in your work late. Its component can also be noted in work punctuality, showing up for work on time, and joining meetings at the expected time.
- Collaboration - Most companies thrive with productive team efforts. Your work has to impact teamwork positively, and also you are expected to be a team player.
We will now move on to the main tips to keep in mind while engaging your employees in the next performance appraisal.
Tips for Carrying Out Employee Performance Evaluation
You have to give importance to performance appraisal since it has a huge role in effective recruitment and retention. But you probably already give it that importance, and you are here to drive better performance reviews. We’ll dive right down to some significant tips that will change your game.
#1: Gather Performance Information
When you approach an employee for their appraisal, it is a no-brainer that you need the necessary details regarding their recent performance. You would need their work samples, customer ratings, previous evaluations, and other influential accomplishments. This way, you clearly know the areas to cover for their appraisal.
#2: Make a List of Answers
Employees would ideally look for your undivided attention. Hence, they might bombard you with questions relating to their job position. During performance appraisal, you would want answers to those questions, so you simply prepare a few answers that cover likely topics. This way, you address their questions and are prepared to speak about their concerns.
#3: Incorporate the 7 Drivers of Employee Engagement into your Discussion
These drivers enable a higher degree of transparency within the working framework and facilitate the employees to ask questions more openly to the employers. Hence, employers must respect these drivers, provide them to them, and discuss whether these criteria are being met during the appraisal period. They are:
Freedom - Are they free to choose and make decisions in their work?
Clarity - Do they have strictly followed objectives and goals?
Challenge - Are they equipped with relevant and entertaining work?
Growth - Do they have an opportunity to get better at their skills?
Recognition - Do they receive timely praise and appreciation for their work?
Togetherness - Do they foster a sense of cooperation and trust within the team?
Voice - Are their opinions and feedback given importance?
#4: Be Attentive
An effective leader is always an attentive listener. You can learn a lot about a person by simply stopping to listen to their queries and opinions. A leader must contain listening skills to grasp this information and tie it to their performance review. It would give you insights into what would improve their performance or which reinforcement can be crucial to retain a particular employee since their demands might differ.
#5: End on a Positive Note
When you conduct a performance review, it is essential to conclude it with mutual respect and provide confidence to the employee. For the employee, it should never finish like they are heading toward the end of a tunnel. Here, you can give them valid feedback, encourage them to alter their performance, and even give them tips on how to achieve them.
These are some of the significant tips that will give you a headstart when you conduct the next performance appraisal. Now that we’re over with it, let’s look at a possible alternative for conducting regular performance reviews and appraisals.
What is an Alternative to Regular Performance Appraisals?
This article has focused on how crucial regular employee performance evaluations are and offers great tips for you to succeed at employee performance evaluations at your workplace.
Yet, we have to address the underlying limitation of performance reviews. It demands face-to-face interactions, and under the current remote working climate, it is not an ideal option to conduct employee performance management.
It is also time-consuming, as both the employer and the employee have to spare time each quarter to evaluate the individual performance of that employee. There are many employees at most large companies right now, and even with multiple managers, performance reviews might be a hefty task.
Therefore, these issues demand a solution that is easy, consistent in delivery, and accurate. All these qualities point to nothing but getCREDIBLE.
getCREDIBLE is a professional platform that provides a digital SLATE (resume) for all professionals. This SLATE does what no other does: validate your professional credibility.
It means your digital SLATE would have ratings for your skills made by people from your professional network, including your colleagues, managers, recruiters, etc.
So, if you are thinking about carrying out employee performance management, start here. With recruiting and performance evaluations, you can view each individual’s skills that are rated high and low. You can give reinforcements or corrections based on the ratings of the required skills.
Also, you can get background information about their past performance from the individual’s professional network and collate that information with the ratings to plan for improved performance.
Employee performance evaluation becomes a cakewalk when you have proper assistance to ensure success. Are you excited to try getCREDIBLE? Because you are on time!
Try getCREDIBLE for free today and build professional credibility ratings!
We wish you the very best with your performance evaluations. We hope that we have delivered all that you were looking for. All the best!